Writing Stats

"Eternal" Word Count: 8372
"Early" Word Count: 7008
"Glorious" Word Count: 5264
"Again" Word Count: 1283 Total Novel Word Count: 21927

Short Story Word Count: 2508
Short Stories Written: 5
Overall Word Count: 24435

Contests Entered: 4
Contests Won: 0

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Day Two

Sooooo I didn't get any writing done this day. I did find an AMAZING collection of short story contests, right here, as posted by Reedsy (who also have their own contest that pops up when you go to that link) which span all the way up to January 2020! From the look of it, they'll be adding more as the year goes by, so lots to look forward to.

I feel like I owe a small explanation for my lack of much else being done, so I'll come out with it, after doing errands, I got home and slept for five hours. Not exactly a normal thing to do, right? I've got a chronic illness, that puts me in pain nearly all the time, and thus drains my energy a lot, especially if I'm too active in a day. It's rough, but I'm making it through. It does mean that often, things have to be set aside for later.

Tomorrow is always another day, though.


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