Writing Stats

"Eternal" Word Count: 8372
"Early" Word Count: 7008
"Glorious" Word Count: 5264
"Again" Word Count: 1283 Total Novel Word Count: 21927

Short Story Word Count: 2508
Short Stories Written: 5
Overall Word Count: 24435

Contests Entered: 4
Contests Won: 0


Keeping track of the contests I enter here, just so I have an idea of what I've sent out, when things are due to end, etc etc. I doubt anyone else cares, but here it is.

Title: New Medication
Run by: Havok
Genre: Fantasy
Prompt: Relocation
Word count allowed: Max of 1000
My word count:
End Date: January 20th, 2019
Entered on:
Status: Lost, but got some good feedback.

Title: Vanilla
Run by: Ad Hoc Fiction
Genre: N/A
Prompt: Wax
Word Count Allowed: 150 Words or Less
My Word Count: 91
End Date: February 20th, 2019
Entered on: February 11, 2019
Status: Sent, posted, waiting for results!

Title: Gloriously Damaged
Run by: Royal Road
Genre: Fantasy
Prompt: N/A
Word Count Allowed: No limit, in fact, the more the better.
My Word Count: 2519 and counting.
End Date: March 31st, 2019.
Entered on: February 18th, 2019 (first chapter up.)
Status: First chapter posted, with second soon to follow. Feel free to vote for me, follow me, whatever, it all helps!


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